All The Toys I Panic-Bought My New Cat To Try To Impress Him, Ranked

Maya Kosoff
6 min readJun 5, 2021

This week my family grew by one: On Tuesday morning Kate picked me up in Tyler’s car and drove me down to Flatbush for one very important task: To pick up Carmichael, the cat I have been adopting, from his foster. I grew up with cats but it took me seven years of living in New York to acquire one for myself. This is because every roommate I’ve had in New York has been staunchly anti-cat or had their own that I inevitably doted on instead. But now I’m here in my own apartment and I wanted a cat, so one day I opened up the Instagram page for…



Maya Kosoff

i’m a freelance writer and editor. you can also read me in places like the new york times and vanity fair.